
Historical Silver Prices in Dollars

Live Silver Price
Current High Low Change
29.45 49.45 0.2500 27.798 (+2154.84%)
Intrinsic Values (£)
Sovereign Half Sovereign 1oz Gold 1oz Silver
£434.00 £217.00 £1,843.69 £23.28

Gold:Silver Ratio

Foreign Exchange Rates

USD: 1.2645

EUR: 1.1771

LBMA Market Opening Times

BST - Sunday 11pm to Friday 10pm (With an hour break daily at 10pm)
GMT - Sunday 10pm to Friday 9pm (With hour break daily at 11pm)


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Silver Price History - Silver All Time Prices

See the silver price across the centuries with our interactive silver price graph. 

Our historical silver prices go all the way back into the 18th century and offer a glimpse into the behaviour of the precious metal through times of recession or global conflict. You can see how much silver increased in value during the financial crisis for example. 

Price of Silver USA

The chart above shows the price of silver in US Dollars per troy ounce for all time. You can access information on the Silver price in British Pounds (GBP), Euros (EUR) and US Dollars (USD) in multiple timeframes and weights using the filters on the graph. 

Troy ounces is the industry standard weight and most silver prices will be quoted per troy ounce. 

Other popular USD charts include the weekly, monthly and live prices.

Pounds Sterling

Metal Ounces Gram Kilo
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US Dollars

Metal Ounces Gram Kilo
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Metal Ounces Gram Kilo
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Japanese Yen

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This chart is in ounces. If you wish to silver per gramme, please click here.

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